Hesitate. For we are only human.

I had a sudden spark of inspiration and Badabim Badaboom! My first attempt on fashion sketching.
It was quite random, really. I only thought about what complimentary colours I could use for each outfit.

It's currently 11:17pm right now and I thought of revamping my blog to make it look more "professional" maybe? I'm not really sure if that's the appropriate word to use since I'm not sure what I am even looking for. So just bear with it for the moment. ( Gomenasai! )

Inspiration be bestowed upon on me, maybe?


- insert incredibly crude and offensive joke about things that go erect and "up" here -

L.O.L. I'm sorry if you're appalled by that. :{

On a partially serious note, (okay lah, not serious at all) 
I have this dilemma! I found this blogshop that sells these two gorgeous babies!

Oooooh... Shiiny... *_*

I can't decide between the two :( 
Both is very tempting and I could only afford either one.

If any of you are interested too, check this site out!
The site contains loads of apparel and other things that most likely will catch your fancy. Well, if you have such awesome tastes similar to mine, that is. :) 
Too bad they only sell female clothing. :(

Since I don't posses a credit card or a bank account ( that I know of ) , my adorable bud JUNJUN came to my rescue! Thank youuu!!! :'D

Due to her nature of not wanting her face to be published in the net, I shall put up and edited picture of her to bask in internet glory. See my superior photoshop skills?

That's pretty much it for today, excluding the hours I used to study. :/ 
Man, I can't wait to get out of this secondary education system. 


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