Cruel are the ones who speak to be righteous.
The playful rose-pink light of dawn.
First of all, I was unable to produce a post due to my preliminary exams. I burnt midnight oil and did my revision. However, I have this weird feeling that I didn't do so well as I wanted. In fact, there is this small part of me that predicts that I have done so badly to the point that it is not funny any more. Not that is was funny in the beginning.
After those tiring sleep depriving nights, MY CURRENT PRELIMINARY EXAMS ARE OVER. Excluding my science practical test which is 3 days from now. Whew. :) Hopefully, I finally pass my maths then I could concentrate more on Accounting and Physics.
Now I shall continue to day 3 for the 30 days challenge!
Day 3
"Your day, in great detail."
I awoke this morning on my bed feeling lethargic. I found myself in an awkward position as usual; hands and legs randomly placed, head and body to the side and knees bent. It was awfully hard for me to get out of my bed. The thought of me being late entered my mind and I soon found myself preparing a cup of coffee. Nothing fancy, just the 3-in-1 Nescafe sachets. Even after having a sip of my warm creamy coffee, I still had an apathetic mood. Gosh, what's wrong with me today?! Due to that, I was so lazy I skipped my morning showers which is my daily routine. Instead, I just washed my face, applied facial products in an attempt to reduce my hideous acne and sprayed myself with my grandfather's perfume. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he just left it with me. My friends says it smells like their uncle/dad/grandfather, I say its just vintage. Haha.
After battling my way through hordes of commuters just to squeeze inside the train, I arrived in school with my uniform inevitably wrinkled.
Since it was Friday, the standard morning assembly was held in our respective classrooms. I was greeted by faces of my classmates; some no less dismal than mine, while others wore smiles that may actually cure cancer. I was brining the mood down- which I was always guilty of, So I painted a cheerful smile on my face and tried to act as jubilant as the person next to me. We greeted our teachers with the usual ever so monotonous, "Gooood Moooorniiing Teaaacheeers." It might seem to outsiders that we're such an uninspired batch, but I see it as the prevailing greeting that we grew accustomed to.
After a few minutes, we sat according to our subject combinations ; Physics/Biology or Physics/Chemistry. Obviously, I was more of a biology student as I tend to be able to memorize and understand better compared to my ability to solve equations and such. Test papers were given out along with an additional sheet of paper that were for answers. We started and ended a minute early as almost everyone was quite eager to finish the test as soon as possible.
"You have one hour to complete this paper, you may begin."
I scanned some of the questions and proceeded to answer it with a steady pace. With my 2B pencil in hand, I shaded the boxes fairly with ease. It seemed manageable for me, as I could answer around 90% of the questions. I left the class feeling quite cheerful as I didn't struggle with it.
My friends and I then proceeded to the nearest Mcdonalds outlet, just across a few roads. Since it was around 9am by that time, we ate breakfast. I ordered a sausage mcgriddles and a medium sized iced milo.
It was Goooood. Then we watched some horror movies in my humble abode. Quarantine 1 and 2, to be specific. We screamed and laughed, overall it was quite fun! It had been ages since we were able to do these kind of things due to the laborious demands of our studies.
After the thrilling scream-filled films and chatter .I accompanied them to the nearest bus stop, said our goodbyes and parted ways. :)
It was quite an eventful day, really. I had so much fun with these wonderful people.
Natasah, Nazira, Joshua and Kirra.
A moment ago, I was watching several videos in youtube.
Currently, I'm typing away while listening to Skrillex' album "Bangarang"
I think that wraps about everything for today! Thanks for reading! :)
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